

1-Frazier Suction Cannulas/Tubes: Frazier suction tubes are thin instruments that provide clear wound area by extracting fluids and debris from the procedure site. These suction tubes usually used when fine suction is required including neurosurgery procedures. Suction is controlled by a small opening on the handle and there are multiple tip sizes are available. Tip is used during cases where heme may obscure the surgical field such as during dacryocystorhinostomy or orbital fracture repair. Material: AISI 410 Stainless Steel Suction Diameter: 1 – 4 mm Diameter Length: 50mm – 150mm Curvature: Curved/Straight both available 2-Yankauer Suction Cannulas/Tubes: Yankauer suction tips are usually a firm plastic suction tips with wide opening surrounded by a bulbous head. It is an oral suctioning tool used in medical procedures. This medical device also comes in different lengths and tip sizes depending on the procedures. The tip of the Yankauer suction tubes can be removed to allow to tighter spaces. These tips can be purchased separately and to be used only for the Yankuer suction cannulas. The handle of this device contains an end that can be connected to a suction source in order to provide the suction power and remove fluids and debris away from surgical site. • Specifications of Yankauer Suction Cannulas: o Standard or extra-long patterns o Size: Custom sizes available o Tip configuration: Detachable Tip o Curvature: Curved o Material: AISI 410 Stainless Steel o Sterility: Sterile & Non-Sterile (both available) o Usage: Single Use & Reusable 3-Liposuction cannulas: A liposuction cannula is a thin, hollow tube that is inserted through a small incision in the skin during liposuction surgery. It is used to suction out unwanted fat deposits from specific areas of the body, such as the abdomen, thighs, hips, and buttocks. Liposuction cannulas come in a variety of sizes and shapes, depending on the specific needs of the patient and the area being treated. The cannula is typically made of stainless steel and has multiple small holes along its length, which allow the fat to be suctioned out. There are two main types of liposuction cannulas: •Tumescent cannulas: These cannulas are used to inject a tumescent solution into the fatty tissue before the fat is suctioned out. The tumescent solution is a mixture of lidocaine (a local anesthetic), epinephrine (a medication that constricts blood vessels), and saline (salt water). It helps to numb the area, reduce bleeding, and make the fat easier to remove. •Suction cannulas: These cannulas are used to suction out the fat after the tumescent solution has been injected. They have a blunt tip to help protect the surrounding tissues. 4-Irrigation Cannula/Button Cannula: Irrigation Cannula are used for rinsing out wounds during jaw surgery, tooth extractions or even for rinsing gingival pockets. The opening on the rounded tip of the irrigation cannula is used to apply or aspirate fluids without traumatising the edges of the wound. Curved button cannulas are great for wound irrigation on hard to reach areas. The Luer connector allows irrigation cannulas to be used with all common disposable syringes. The reusable, stainless steel button cannulas can easily be disinfected and sterilised. The disposable irrigation cannulas from Concise Enterprises are particularly hygienic and safe. These are made from brushed, matted steel and are clearly labeled as single-use instruments–there is no difference in craftsmanship or haptics as compared with reusable irrigation cannulas. From Concise Enterprises, you will receive irrigation cannulas in various specifications in particularly low prices.
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